Thursday, July 9, 2009

Motorcycles, 4X4's, and Design Conflicts

I'm thinking of installing one of those trailer hitch kits on my venerable Triumph. With towing capability, I could get more "utility" out of the British beast. The Yamaha Venture I had back in the 80's had a trailer hitch on it and I towed all manner of dirt bikes and camping gear with it. I even went all the way to Michigan and back in 1987 with a trailer in tow (had the wife along for that ride - ha ha).

So, I could hook up a 6' X 12' utility trailer to the Triumph when I go into the BLM land to cut a couple cords of wood. But you object.

You say, "Wait a minute! You've forgotten what that motorcycle is designed for! It might tow a couple hundred pounds on a tiny little trailer, but you're talking about a couple THOUSAND pounds!"

I counter intelligently, "So?"

You emphatically counter-counter, "It's not designed for that kind of towing! It's designed to carry two people, to go fast, to get good gas mileage, to carve a nice line on a mountain road, to accelerate and to stop better than a Porsche! That's all it's designed for."


So will someone please tell me why, then, every douchebag in a diesel powered 4X4 will try to out-accelerate me to the merge lane on a freeway onramp? Did someone not explain the design of the truck to them when they bought it?

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