Thursday, January 14, 2010

Berkeley - what is it about that name?

How ironic.

A high school in Berkeley, CA has a socialist preamble in its charter (From each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her need).

Wait, it gets better.....

When the pilgrims came to this country, they were required by their financiers to live in a shared/socialist society where nobody owned anything and shared their labors with everyone. They did so for two years, during which more than 1/3 of them died of starvation and disease.

Finally, Governor William Bradford disposed of this written declaration and awarded each settler his/her own property with the rights to keep whatever profits they could glean from it. And they prospered.

You know what that original, written requirement was called? The "Berkely Charter", or "Berkely Compact", as some call it.

I love history. And irony.